Desserts »Will Cotton at Partners and Spade

will cotton partners and spade40 Great Jones Street

As a fan of Will Cotton’s scrumptious and almost creepily saccharine paintings as well as fun things secret and rare, I was thrilled to make it to his two day only bake shop hidden inside the usually appointment only Partners and Spade space.

The epicenter of the bakery/installation was the towering stack of pastel cakes, of which I could hardly get enough of and took many photos. One of his paintings hung in the back as a team of little helpers rushed around with fresh baked birthday cakes and macaroons.

I spoke to the artist himself to say I was a fan of his work and he was totally adorably embarrassed and hoped we liked his baking as well before scimpering off to his frosting and flour.

The treats were tasty, though having just come from the New Amsterdam Market, I was stuffed almost too full to truly appreciate more than a bite (Jim chowed the rest). The entire experience left me feeling almost like one of the nymphs in his paintings, surrounded by a tempting, sugary landscape.

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

will cotton partners and spade

See more: Desserts

Posted on November 29, 2009

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