Desserts »Whatchamacallit

WhatchamacallitWhen this candy bar was relaunched in 1987 (it was originally created in my birth year, 1978; carmel was added in '87), I was so on board. There will never be another time in my life when I'm jazzed up for a new candy to hit the scene. I guess I'm just old and cynical these days, but the introduction of Fast Break in 2001 did nothing for me.

I guess it had something to do with this sweet jingle; although the best candy commercials of all time were actually for Bonkers, which I don't think are for sale any more.

Dear Marc Summers,
I would so love an Unwrapped segment focusing on this tasty treat with a name that's hard to forget. Sorry to hear about your OCD, hosting Double Dare must have been a living hell.

– j

FYI: Only 250 calories per bar–that's 30 less than a Hershey's Milk Chocolate bar. Your thighs will thank you.

See more: Desserts

Posted on December 3, 2007

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