It translates to Happy Easter in Polish. Isn't this the cutest thing you ever saw? I was compelled to buy it instantly at the local grocery and would have purchased his sheep and lamb brothers if I was certain it was indeed made out of sugar and not a candle.
And sugar it is made of indeed: pure, pure sugar. This is the kind of Easter treat that used to get me in hot water as a kid. See, I had eaten all of my candy but my sister let hers sit for days with no obvious intention of eating a thing. So I was compelled by the sugar egg to take a bite (it would have sat there forever without so much as a nibble otherwise).
One thing leads to another and I end up agreeing under duress to giving bite impressions for my parents to compare to the one left at the scene of the crime. I was guilty and I would do it again. In fact, if this guy was in my sister's basket I would have done it over and over again because he is the cutest thing I have ever seen.
But what do you think?