Hunks »Werner Herzog

werner herzogI could listen to Werner Herzog read football stats backwards and beg him not to stop. His voice is just that entrancing. He is also a crazed, intense artist whose fictional movies may not always be easy to watch, but watching him make those movies always is.

Just rent Burden of Dreams (one of Jim's very favorite films ever) and see Herzog work with warring tribes in Peru and Ecuador, orchestrate a showboat dreagged over a mountain, threaten Klaus Kinski's life, and refuse to shoot at any time other than magic hour.

I love this man. Interesting note: He recently dragged Brix Pick hunk Joaquin Phoenix out of a car accident. There is also a new box set of his shorts and documentaries that was just released and I am so excited.

See more: Hunks

Posted on October 2, 2006

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