Drinks »Violet Soda Water from The Franklin Fountain

Franklin Fountain Philadelphia PA From the turn-of-the-century building and all the vintage details like the tile flooring, which is totally intact, you could easily assume that The Franklin Fountain has been around for a very long time–but you would be wrong. It was started by two brothers only three years ago, inspired by the magnificent interior to set up a-turn-of-the-century style soda fountain and shoppe.

We were unhappy to find that their famous toy candy, which uses antique molds to shape flavored sugar into fun formations, is not available until colder months. We opted for their beverages instead. Jim had an old fashioned chocolate egg cream, my dad had the best chocolate shake he's ever had the pleasure of enjoying, and I could simply not resist a violet flavored soda water which did not fail to meet my high expectations. A neat and highly recommended stop-off in the historic area of Philadelphia.

See more: Drinks

Posted on October 15, 2007

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