Sadly, it seems like my office will be moving to dreaded midtown sometime this year. There is lots I'll miss about Soho, most of it food related, of course. There's Calexico the amazing taco truck, there's Ogawa, Crosby Connection, Village Minghala, and Whole Foods?all the great Soho places you hear about, but the one place I might end up missing most of all isn't hip, known, talked about, or even named. It's the deli next to Ricky's on Broadway, right below Houston that serves bibimbop. You'll only know it by the bibimbop sign and if you're squeamish, you might not want to go in to eat.
It's not dirty or anything, just a typical bodega like deli with bad lighting and a salad bar. Not the kind of place you'd expect to find a great meal. But there is decent, veggie packed udon and reasonable packaged sushi, but the true treasure here is the delectable bibimbop with chicken (don't go near the beef) in a hulking bowl with a fried egg, veggies, rice and a side of miso soup. It's around seven dollars and is the fastest, most satisfying meal in the neighborhood. The Mexican guys that work here are friendly and really know how to make their Korean dishes. Oh man, I really am going to miss it.
But what do you think?