Style Icons: Male »Tom Savini

Tom SaviniEveryone knows that Tom Savini is the guy who made horror movies cool again. From making his own head explode in Maniac, to driving a harpoon through Kevin Bacon's throat in Friday the 13th, to all the blood and guts of the Romero classics Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead and, my personal favorite, Martin (his first feature), he's the most revered working special effects man in the business.

Savini's face is just as familiar to his fans as his work since he's acted in many of the films he's worked on including the recent Rodriguez/Tarantino Grindhouse and do you remember the biker guy from Dawn? That's him too.

If you want to learn the craft of gruesome deaths and monster modeling he runs a sixteen month program in Pennsylvania. Also in his home state: what has got to be the coolest haunted house around, Terror Mania in Pittsburgh which features his grisly creations. It's only $13.50 and just thinking and daydreaming about it is already making my Blood Manor experience seem like child's play. Unfortunately, the event is cancelled for this year, I hope it's not because Tom was spending too much time getting rock hard abs.

See more: Style Icons: Male

Posted on October 29, 2007

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