Spend a Couple Minutes »The Telectroscope

jim sanders brittany hague telectroscopeMake sure to get down to the Fulton Ferry Park (the part where the water taxi and Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory are) before June 15th to see the amazing steam punk installation, The Telectroscope.

From the website:

“Hardly anyone knows that a secret tunnel runs deep beneath the Atlantic Ocean. In May 2008, more than a century after it was begun, the tunnel has finally been completed. An extraordinary optical device called a Telectroscope has been installed at both ends which miraculously allows people to see right through the Earth from London to New York
and vice versa.”

The giant telescope, which appears to be bursting from the ground allows you to see people in London in real time. We waved to a little girl holding up a sign that read “I Love New York City”. It's really neat.

Equally neat is the imaginative back story to the project that you can read here. It seems this summer is going to be full of fun art projects, with David Byrne's musical house just opening and the Olafur Eliasson's waterfalls coming soon. Don't miss out on any of them!

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

Posted on June 2, 2008

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