Style Icons: Female »The Shangri-Las

Leaders of the Pack

I have a love for girl groups. The Bangles, Go-go’s and Pointer Sisters were inspirations to a young me and who can help but love The Runaways and even The Spice Girls, who brought the genre back to the spotlight? It all began in the dawn of rock though with bands like the Shirelles and Chantels and this week’s style icons, the slightly more rough and tumble Shangri-Las. After all these are Queens girls born and raised, who took their name from a local restaurant (doubtful that it’s the kebab one still standing in Elmhurst) and sang about their bad ass boyfriends who lived fast and died young. They reported packed guns (seriously – read the wikipedia entry) and always rocked the pants instead of the prim dresses of the time.

Of course their biggest hit is the melodramatic Leader of the Pack, but my favorite is the excellent Remember (Walking in the Sand).

See more: Style Icons: Female

Posted on September 26, 2010

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