Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't love bitchy fashion commentary (see previous Brix Pick Go Fug Yourself) but what I love about The Sartorialist is the absolute lack of any mean-spiritedness.
Photographer and bloggist Scott Schuman has a genuine affection, awe, and respect for his subjects – the great looking people of our city with style. Instead of a snide comment, his blog is full of quotes like “This man has style in his bones”, and “I usually think of a plaid coat as country-ish and more cozy but she gives it a bit of city edge working it back to the silver metallic.”
He represents those of us that just love clothes, not the stereotype of fashionista bitches who only care about being fabulous, but the ones who can see a girl on the street in a perfectly proportioned trench and boots and think something like “I love the clean, understated grey underneath that puts the focus on the shoes and trench”.
His photographs are also quite beautiful, especially for candid street shots, and you can see more of them on which is where I first found out about him.
But what do you think?