Songs »The Fletch Theme

Fletch Theme - Alesis Ion and Juno 106Harold Faltermeyer pretty much defined the drum machine and synth sound of mid to late 80's detective work when he wrote both 'Axel F' for Beverly Hills Cop and the theme song to Fletch. The two songs and, come to think of it, the movies themselves have a lot in common and when the latter was playing in the background one recent Sunday afternoon, I couldn't help but get excited every time this tune came on. It's energetic, fun and dated – but in a good way.

Please note that I am not recommending the Stephanie Mills song “Bit by Bit” (which is dated in a bad, womanly Billy Ocean type way) which is often considered to be the theme of the Chevy Chase classic.

You Tube features this brilliant cover (which takes advantage of the Oscillator Sync feature on the Alesis Ion) of what is a very popular song among synth enthusiasts – and here's a Guitar Hero version.

See more: Songs

Posted on December 28, 2008

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