Spend a Couple Minutes »The Approval Matrix

approval matrixAside from this blog, NY Magazine's Approval Matrix is the one thing you should read every week. It is clever and informative, why, just this week it informed me of Malan's t-shirt available on Project Runway – but I totally disagree with it's placement on the despicable side because I love it and want to buy it.

It's not the first time I have disagreed with them, they were anti- beard, as you know, I am not, etc… but it is one of the things I totally look forward to every week.

I think the magazine should pick up Brix Picks as a weekly column too. If you agree, why not write and tell them.

But enough about me… oh yes, the Approval Matrix: I am shocked by how many people don't know about it. Well, now you do, so Enjoy!

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

Posted on August 14, 2006

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