Drinks »Tamrindo

tamarindo jarritosWhat is this tasty tamarind that Jarritos makes into the tastiest soda this side of clear pepsi (just joking)? According to internet sources, it is an African native tree whose sap, bark and seeds are used not only in this popular Mexican import, but is essential to Worcester sauce. It's tough branches are also used for corporal punishment. It's the hardest working tree in the Northern hemisphere.

You can find Jarritos in nearly every little bodega in the city. The company was started in 1950 and was the first and remains the most popular Mexican soda company.

The problem is I always get the tamarind because it's so good, so i haven't tried their other tantalizing flavors which include guava, hibiscus, pineapple, and mango – all of which sound so good, I want to run out and try them right now.

See more: Drinks

Posted on April 30, 2007

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