Try it at Mercat
My friends and I have been enjoying what has been come to be called simply “the game” at Mercat and Mercat Negre for some time now. It’s not really a game though, it’s actually just a vessel/carafe that allows one to chug wine through a funnel; the goal is to pull the carafe away from you until the thin stream is at arm’s length – without spilling all over your face… so I guess it’s kind of a game.
It’s fun and we coined it the “fancy asshole” but I recently learned from the blog, Chained and Perfumed, that it’s actually called Orgy.
But it’s really, actually, really called a porron and you can buy one to get your friends pleasantly tanked in the privacy of your own home at Despana.
Forgive the vaguely porny images of myself and friends doing the orgy after the jump/below.
Click here for the rest of Fancy Asshole AKA Orgy