Laughs »The Conservative Teen

Hilarious New Magazine

If anybody downloaded the PDF of The Conservative Teen, please let me know. I really want to read the article about “Ronald Reagan: Our First Black President?” and “Why Abstinence Works & How It Can Work for You!”

In the face of much mockery, the site seems to have been taken down. Sad face.

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Posted on April 1, 2012

Web Sites »Star1973

A Magazine for Groupies

Oh yes!!

If you remember, eons ago I discovered a little gem called Star Magazine – a publication devoted entirely to the art of being a groupie. The site I marked then is now all gone, but in it’s place has emerged Star1973, an amazing site where you can find all five editions scanned front to back (!!)

I am dying with excitement.

Ryan Richardson gets major props for sharing this with the world (and for all that scanning – if I only had half the time and patience for my own vintage mag collection…).

I can’t wait to really spend some time with this one – I mean, come on, just look at the article below. The Girl Who Fights Over Guys – Will You Be Ready To Face Her?.

It just so deliciously brazen and upfront about it’s goal – to help you, the young groupie, bed rock stars (even if you have to bust some heads to get into Alice Cooper’s bed).

And the fashions! Girls and boys alike would be dropping over dead in the streets if these ladies were to strut down Bedford Avenue today.

Thanks to Sarafina and Will of The Stencil for alerting me to this fab site.


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Posted on May 26, 2011

Web Sites »Inspired Bride and Nonpariel Magazine

Online Inspiration

My sister-in-law Maddy, who is behind the blog The Inspired Bride and now the new online magazine Nonpareil, has a special eye for romantic details. Inspired Bride, which she’s been doing for a year or so, is a treasure trove of resources for the modern bride: from cakes, to favors, to floral arrangements and rings – she covers everything for those looking for a stylish wedding that is decidedly non-cookie-cutteresque.

Nonpareil takes the same dreamy but natural aesthetic and applies it to a broader scope of design projects; the first issue is built around the theme ‘Beautiful on a Budget’ and features DIY hairpieces and easy-to-make centerpieces. Highly recommended.

Click here for the rest of Inspired Bride and Nonpariel Magazine

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Posted on February 7, 2010