Spend a Couple Minutes »Carved Candles from Enchantments

424 East 9th Street

You might be surprised but one of the coolest purchases I’ve made in the city came from an East Village magic/witch/head shop called “Enchantments“.

Like any subculture establishment, you may feel out of place when you first arrive or at least as though you might be intruding (like the familiar feeling of a woman entering a gaming shop, hearing the Magic the Gathering game come to a screeching halt as she patters by in high heels).
But the key, as really in any place you expect costumer service, is to be polite and respectful.

I was looking for a magic candle. I burned one for good luck while pregnant with Van from the Pharmacia Millionaire in Los Angeles and he turned out awesome so, of course, I wanted one for my new pregnancy.

Unlike my experience in LA, Enchantments will hand carve a candle for you, depending on your needs. It is then decorated (in my case with gold glitter and bronze) an encantation is performed (mine involved pennies, honey and inscense) and you walk away with a pretty sweet looking item for your house and superstitious mind.

Skeptical at first, my accompanying friend decided she may like one for herself to bless her upcoming wedding. It’s a much more satisfying experience than I had even hoped for.

Enchantments is also your source more any witchcraft needs including herbs and talismans.

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

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Posted on April 22, 2012

Places to Visit »Pharmacia Millionaire

301 S Broadway, Downtown Los Angeles

I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to write up Pharmacia Millionaire with you guys. It was definitely one of the more unusual spots we visited in LA earlier this year. A treasure trove of magic candles, potions, elixirs and voodoo dolls, the crowded pharmacy sits across the street from the more traditional tourist spot, The Bradbury Building. We walked away with a candle for home cleansing, which once burned to the end offered some charms that we were instructed to put under our mattress. We skipped on the vagina candle and anything black magic related but might be back one day for the bat’s hearts if I can figure out a way to use them. Even if you have no plans to purchase, the iconography and design for the products are worth a peek in this surprisingly friendly shop.

Click here for the rest of Pharmacia Millionaire

See more: Places to Visit

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Posted on August 29, 2010