Places to Visit »Georgia Aquarium

in Atlanta

Whale sharks, cuddle fish, glowing jellyfish, and other glimpses into a fantastical underwater world – plus champagne! There are far worse places one could celebrate the end of a work year. We had our company dinner at the pride of Atlanta, the humongous (it actually houses a whale – but, sadly, he was out on loan when we were there) and lovely Georgia Aquarium.

After the buffet and raw bar we were able to wander the exhibits which amazed us all. I managed (thanks to my new spiffy camera) to capture many of the interesting creatures we saw in the state-of-the-art facility; I’ve never sipped a martini in front of anything more fascinating.

According to locals, the place can become a madhouse during regular, children-filled hours, but I’d brave a dozen 5th grade class field trips to go back to see the exhibits we missed (sea otters, penguins, and something called the 4D Theater) as well as that famous beluga whale.

Click here for the rest of Georgia Aquarium

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Posted on December 26, 2009

Places to Visit »Mini Food Tour of Atlanta

repast atlantaBiscuits, Crab Cakes, Nuggets and Room Service

I was hoping to offer more insider tips on Atlanta’s entertainment, shopping and sites of note, but a busy work schedule left me no time for any of that (no worries: an upcoming trip will provide plenty) so instead I’m offering this mini food tour of the city.

Repast is a lovely, modern place that features an intriguing menu. Our table shared bacon wrapped dates, roasted beets, salmon tartare, and crab cakes before swooning over entrees. I opted for the free range chicken with kale, gnocchi, pancetta and black truffle jus and benefited from the kindness of my co-eaters with a bite of an incredible pork belly.

The next night, we revisited a place I ate at a while ago on another business trip, South City Kitchen, which has lost none of its tastiness in the interim. Pimento cheese, fried green tomatoes, and mac and cheese were shared with gusto and my salmon with spaghetti squash, home made mascarpone, pomegranate and watercress was great.

Also, and I’m stating the obvious here, Chick-Fil-A f-ing rules (I ate it both for breakfast and lunch one day in a feat of impressive gluttony) and the Four Seasons is a pretty nice place to stay (they also offer a nice array of small plates in their lounge as well as crazy dolled up specialty cocktails).

Click here for the rest of Mini Food Tour of Atlanta

See more: Places to Visit

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Posted on December 13, 2009