27 North 6th St., Williamsburg, Sunday 10-5
Brooklyn Flea Market week two and Jim’s plan to “eat everything” was not too far off from what happened. We skipped stuff we’d already had either at the market or elsewhere which still left plenty to get full on. Good thing we had at least some restraint and split everything…
Beginning with one amazing donut (you know, breakfast first!). It came from Dough, a Cobble Hill shop that features unique flavors like Hibiscus and Blood Orange. I decided to try a simple glazed yeast however, to get a general feel for their goods. I hate to say it, but it rivals Peter Pan. I can’t wait to have another next week.
But the deliciousness didn’t stop there, no! Next we were on to Mile End‘s smoked cured brisket sandwich. A marvelous and simple sandwich that is juicy, smokey, and meaty. Do not skip the mustard, it adds a great kick. One of the best savory dishes at the market.
Asia Dog offers a large menu of unique Asian inspired toppings, we had a temporary lapse in restraint and went for the pork belly cucumber. It was intense. Maybe too intense. Next time I’d opt for the bahn mi hot dog or another less fat pork topped choice.
After all this we still were hungry (the key is not to eat before hand) and I was on the fence about making our last sandwich the Red Hook Lobster Roll, just because of the comparatively high 15.00 price tag.. but with Shaun’s urging that it was totally worth it, we relented and ordered Maine style. It was incredible, over flowing with big lobster chunks that tasted fresh and with just a hint of mayonnaise – the key to a good roll. Too many are just loads of mayo with tiny bits of lobster hiding among the celery. Here they do it right. Another best bite contender, especially with the summer months coming.
To wash everything down we tried Brooklyn Soda Works Root Beer, a spicy, none too sweet beverage that will quench the thirst even if you dislike soda.
I couldn’t help but get another jar of marmalade (this time grapefruit hibiscus) since my lemon vanilla is almost used up and we bit the bullet on the insane price tag ($7) for some Ragged Butte Bison Jerky to take home. It’s pretty awesome, but I don’t think I can rationizle speniding that kind of money on dried meat again.
Thank goodness this thing is only once a week.