Yep. I’m not ashamed to admit it. I love Peeta Mellark.
With him, Suzanne Collins has created the ultimate good guy heartthrob… a welcome change to the theory that girls only like “bad boys”.
Though I’ve yet to see the movie, Josh Hutcherson‘s casting seems perfect – exactly how I envisioned him – adorable (which is totally fair to say without sounding all Mary Kay Letourneau right? Since the boy is all of nineteen years old!?).
I chatted with Jim’s teen cousin and learned that mostly every girl on the planet loves Peeta. So much so that she sadly found all the Peeta blankets sold out.
I’m not sure if my attraction to Frank Gorshin‘s portrayal of The Riddler is one of my strange quirks (like thinking Benjamin Horne was kind of a babe) or if he gives everybody hotpants.
I mean sure if you were dating him and brought him out to dinner to meet your friends, undoubtedly he would be referred to as a total spaz – probably because he’d have made his entrance by exploding a Moldavian friendship cake in a plot to steal a priceless stuffed pachyderm BUT wouldn’t you agree that he’s like a leaner, funner James Cagney type who fills out a pair of green tights just fine?
As a kid, Miss Piggy was my favorite Muppet and I still love her. Well, why wouldn’t I? She’s a porcine Mae West meets Dolly Parton with Imelda Marcos type excessive style leanings and quite a bit of attitude. She’s still fashionable today – being dressed by Marc Jacobs.
One of the fun things about having a baby is that, in the future, you get to rewatch and rediscover things you loved as a kid and I can’t wait to introduce Van to the Muppets when he gets older. This does not pertain to Baby Muppets – one of the only cartoons Jim and I both agree was not even pleasant for small children.
While I am sure lovers of the classic Nancy Drew series were justifiably horrified with the late 80’s redux The Nancy Drew Files. I personally devoured the first incarnation for a time and was plenty taken with the painted covers that always featured the kind of outfits I saw high school girls wearing and some sort of generic stud boy that looked about 30 years old.
As I write this, I’ve yet to watch the series finale of Lost but I am already a bit sad to realize it’ll be the last I’ll be seeing of Sawyer. The handsome guy is rarely my favorite character in anything – I prefer quirkier heroes, but Josh Holloway’s Southern grifter has defied my tradition. While, let’s face it, the actor looks like he would be equally well cast in the latest crappy CW drama about models (maybe a Models, Inc reboot anyone?), Holloway has become the show’s most complex and consistently beloved characters: he is the best comic relief (no small feat with a kind hearted nerdy jolly fat man on staff), a believably redeemed schemer, and a sexified romantic lead rolled into one Steinbeck-reading, cage sex making rogue. I’ll miss you hoss.
On a co-worker’s recommendation, I pushed the Diana Ross as young upstart fashion designer/model vehicle Mahogany to the top of my queue strictly for the over-sized jewelry (which, no doubt you know, I’m a big fan of – ever want to get me a gift, just type HUGE into the vintage jewelry section of eBay).
It’s a terrible movie, but the style is fantastic – plus, you’re exposed to constant flashes of the unbelievably broad smile of one the most charismatic men around (the great Billy Dee Williams) as well as a riveting and creepily realistic performance by go-to weirdo Anthony Perkins as a Machiavellian fame wrangler (at least, it feels accurate to me, though I’ve never personally been to the gun room of a Phil Spector type, but I imagine Perkins got it right).
The plot (which calls to mind a dumbed-down, simplified take on the story lines of Jacqueline Susann) is as thin as Ross, who plays “young” not entirely convincingly, but with an amazing amount of sassy charm – there’s a reason that this broad is a star! And there’s a reason her creation, Mahogany, is my style icon: it’s all kimono sleeves, rainbow gowns, jersey capes, feathers, statement hats, body paint, gonzo hairstyles, Egyptian influence, and sequined or Navajo wraps. LOVE IT. There are a good many stills to peruse below/after the jump.
I’ve never been into Star Trek, but I enjoyed the latest movie much more than I expected. Even more unexpectedly, I found myself totally understanding Uhura’s need to love and kiss all over Spock – even if, I assume, it would almost be like dating someone with autism. When I thought about it more, it’s not even necessarily the strangely appealing Quinto that’s the allure, (though I am beginning to think I’m developing a thing for wildly heavy eyebrows) but perhaps it’s the ears, the logic, and the brow – because if you go back and take another peak at Nimoy’s younger days in the blue suit, you may find him just as lovable as I do.
I know, it's crazy that given the amount of times this thing has played on TBS, I had never seen Fast Times at Ridgemont High until just last week. It was pretty good, as expected, and like all the teens before me, I was most smitten with pothead surfer dude Jeff Spicoli – Rat and Damone, not so much.
Not only does Penn look great all young, wiry, and framed by flowing blond locks, but the outfits are to die for. Seriously, he puts drug rugs and Umbros on another plane of awesome.
Plus, the character made me love Sean Penn again, which is something I really just haven't been able to since (at least) I am Sam.
Did you know that Fast Times was adapted into a short-lived TV serie?. Ray Walston proudly reprised his role as Mr. Hand, but the fake Spicoli… not so good.?
Not to be confused with the Oakie teenie boppers, these Hanson Brothers are all about busting heads and drawing blood. The center piece of the beloved underdog sports movie Slap Shot, the brothers are over-zealous child-like hockey dudes that bring fame and attention to Paul Newman's failing west Pennsylvania team. Every time they're on screen, whether picking a fight with a snack machine, yelling in the locker room, or just playing with toy cars, I couldn't help but laugh. While the film is more of an underground classic, it's known and loved by most anyone that's seen it.
The brothers were played by the real life Carlson brothers, Steve and Jeff. Third brother Jack's hockey career conflicted with shooting and Dave Hanson, whose pro hockey nickname was “Killer”, got the gig.
If you too are a fan, local designer and Brix Picks fave Built By Wendy was inspired by the characters and made this awesome tee with emblazoned with their visages.
Is it just weird to be naming a high school drop out cartoon character as a hunk? Well, it's not like I haven't been here before (hello Tygra), and Nathan Explosion has a flowing head of raven hair like a fallen angel and a voice like a piles of rocks.
I knew my Halloween costume was set for years after this movie came out. Maybe if that were true for the dudes I used to know, I would have “lost” my virginity a long time before I did.