The Best in Men’s Style
I really couldn’t love a blog more than I do Street Etiquette. Bloggers Joshua Kissi and Travis Gumbs, who are a mere 20 years old (!) and totally hunky, organize their thoughtful, stylish entries buy article of clothing such as berets, corduroy, jean jackets, chambray, and my own personal current love, jungle boots.
They present suggested ways to wear each item and bits of history, shopping guides and inspiration. Their photography is gorgeous, they have distinct character that lots of style blogs lack, and I like me some clothing and accessories close ups like nothing else.
This is a great example of engrossing and thorough blogging that is near perfect in it’s execution and usability. I’ve been raving about it to anyone that will listen since discovering it a couple days ago.
While I’ve always said I’d never like working in menswear, because it would be sooo boooring, I have to admit, thanks to stellar dapper gents like these, I am becoming more and more intrigued with the details of slacks, ties and buttons downs.
Part the reason for my new passion is that I now have a son who I get to dress for at least the next five odd years (if Jim refuses to roll up his pants and nix the socks, fine but Van can’t if he can’t talk!) and part of the reason is that since I no longer get to get dressed up for work, I am starting to live vicariously through Jim.
I’ve even asked if I can pick outfits for him and am bugging him to add neckties to the daily rotation. Street Etiquette is sure to inspire some looks I will be coaxing him to try.
Click here for the rest of Street Etiquette
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Posted on February 13, 2011