Web Sites »Swapatorium

SwapatoriumI like digging through photos and junk at thrift stores and garage sales as much as the next art school graduate guy, but this site takes out some of the musty smell, dirty hands unpleasantness.

Founder Angelica Paez and contributors post their thrift store, garage sale, antique shop finds with nice photographs of their treasures and information on where they were found.

Another simple idea executed very well in the world of blogs. I have not had time yet to delve as deeply into their archives and I wait with anticipation of all the goodies in store for me. So far this is my favorite entry, a collection of a young girl's monster drawings including a monster from beatnick electrictro and a cat monster with ten lives (and worms). Such “trash” and other forgotten items are given the loving spotlight they deserve at this site for all the people like us that have such a soft spot for them.

They also have a snapshot shop called Snapatorium (it seems odd that they can copyright other people's memories… my only qualm) and other crafty scrapbooks for sale on etsy.

See more: Web Sites

Posted on April 9, 2007

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