Chris Isaak's debut album, a spooky and retro affair, always brings me back to the passenger seat of my dad's car. It was there we would listen to it over and over on cassette, with a few Cream songs mixed in at the end to fill the tape.
Recalling the sounds of Sun Records, when rock and roll was new, young and dangerous, songs like Dancin', Talk to Me, and Voodoo (my three favorites) are a perfect vehicle for a crooner like Isaak.
While his later efforts like Wicked Game earned him a much bigger following, more airtime, pornier videos, and great success, Silvertone remains, in my mind, his absolute best. If all you know of Isaak is his later career, take some time with Silvertone and familiarize yourself with his darker, David-Lynchian sound. How David Lynchian? The song Gone Ridin was featured in Blue Velvet and helped put this album and the artist on the map with critics.
But what do you think?