Laughs »Ripsi!

Ripsi from Bad Girls ClubTipsy Ripsi is a tripsy. As the breakout star of Oxygen's Bad Girl's Club (Oprah, have you no shame?!), Ripsi is truly something else. Let her explain herself on this page's cast interview where she claims “I enjoy every second, I don't take anything for granted.” But days later, after she climbs out of a pool drunk in this video where she goes Rip-shit, then passes out, then goes rip-shit again, gets kicked out of the house the next morning in this video and loses her cool when shouting “Don't judge me! I will throw fists again!”, she concludes that actually, “Nothing in the world makes me happy, I just shop till I drop.”

Oh, and there are about a million extra deleted scenes here. I don't know exactly why Bad Girls Club exists or the point of the show, but it brought a little Ripsi to the world.

See more: Laughs

Posted on January 8, 2007

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1 Comment

  • From adrian on January 10, 2011 at 7:16 pm

    haha good job ripsi i thought this was the funniest thingg love youu girl