Laughs »Postcards from Yo Momma

postcards from yo mommaThanks to Grace for introducing me to the hilarious and often touching site Postcards from Yo Momma, a showcase of entertaining correspondences that make you rejoice in the unique relationship between daughters and their mothers – especially that special time when you start seeing each other as adult women and friends. It's often updated and a great way to laugh for hours. A couple of my favorites are:

Mom: How do I unfriend on Facebook?

Me: What, you only have like 8 friends, who do you want to get rid of.

Mom: That's really none of your business, and I have 40 friends thank you very much.

Me: That's right, Dad has 8 heheh

Mom: Not for long!


“Didn't you say your dad took a golden shower at that bar he was at in the city? I've been telling all of my friends but your dad says I am wrong and I probably shouldn't repeat this story. Am I using the term correctly?”

See more: Laughs

Posted on May 4, 2009

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