Spend a Couple Minutes »Picking an Oscar Dress

Pick Out a Dress for the OscarsYes, it's that time of year again. Oscar night! And while every year I've grown less and less interested in the actual event (I have only seen one of the nominated best pictures and don't think it deserved the acclaim–my apologies to the Little Miss Sunshine fans).

Still, I will never stop the tradition of choosing my Oscar dress from the runway fashions. I do it every year and last year I asked readers to post their Oscar dresses, and no one did, but you are welcome to join my tradition this year and post away.

As for me, I could hardly have been so privileged to see the Marc Jacobs show in person and not choose from his sublime wears. I have selected the ruby cocktail number, but would ditch the black tights, opting for bare legs with the brown leopard print calf pigalle pumps from Christian Louboutin, a long, straight, high, dark pony tail and these earrings.

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

Posted on February 19, 2007

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