Desserts »People’s Pops

in the Chelsea Market

As you can tell from all the photos I’ve been sent from Shaun, People’s Pops, located in the Chelsea Market, is his new obsession and subsequently, mine. Can you think of a more refreshing sweet than fresh local fruit popsicles with winning combinations like raspberry/mint, strawberry/rhubarb,  yellow plum/mint and apricot/cardamom? I was so jealous of Shaun’s many visits and finally went myself the other day. I ordered the apricot/cardamom at the counter guy’s recommendation and it was out of this world. Future days in the city will revolve around a stop by this place for the rest of the summer.

Raspberry Mint

Yellow Plum Mint

Pear Ice

See more: Desserts

Posted on August 1, 2010

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