Desserts »Pavlova

PavlovaMy family and I had this local cake in Australia years ago and I never lost the craving for its crisp on the outside, fluffy and lightly chewy on the inside deliciousness. It was a craving I could not satisfy until now. Even after a major online search, I couldn't find it in New York.

But as Jim, Dan and I ate some fresh fish at the fairly new Australian restaurant, Bondi Road (not to be confused with this week's restaurant pick), I had a happy moment — “Pavlova” was scrawled on the chalkboard menu at the back of the room. Pavlova, Pavlova, Pavlova! My own personal great white whale had finally come to me. Oh, and just so you know, this magical sweet consists of discs of meringue with passion fruit, kiwi, and other fresh fruits atop. Sounds simple enough, but the taste is other worldly.

See more: Desserts

Posted on January 8, 2007

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