Songs »Party All The Time

party all the time eddie murphyThere are many moments in Eddie Murphy's career and life choices that people can point to as, well, low points.
Everyone can agree that getting caught with a tranny hooker is not the best foot forward and Norbit and Pluto Nash didn't help a bit. Those can be pretty universally claimed as bad things, but then you have Axl Foley (minus part three) and Delirious and Raw, not to mention the outfits he wears in those shows–all of which can all be sited as major positives.

The gray area comes with a few other career choices. One is the money-making voice over work as a jack ass jack ass (so clever) in the Shrek movies and Party All The Time, an eighties pop ode to very bad girlfriends, which was produced by Rick James.

Most people might applaud the Shrek stuff, I do not. Maybe I'm an ogre (ha ha), but I find the movies obnoxious and while I love that Murphy got enough dough to fund personal projects like his daring portrayal of a fat ass horrid woman and some stereotypical asians, I just can't stomach the Mike Myers trilogy.

On the other hand, I love this cheesy song and probably disagree with a lot of people in saying that I don't think this attempt at pop non stardom was an embarrassment at all. But you might not respect my judgment entirely, because when to comes to that other gray area film, Boomerang – I LOVED IT!

See more: Songs

Posted on July 16, 2007

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