Spend a Couple Minutes »Old Hollywood

old hollywood vintage greenpointOld Hollywood is a fairly new edition to my little neighborhood where dollar shops and banks still dominate the storefronts. See, little doses of gentrification can be okay when it come to places like this moving in – just as long as they leave my precious Rainbow be! While I don't actually go shopping all that often, I figured Old Hollywood was at least worth a look-see based on their lovely window displays and comprehensive blog.

While some of the clothes were outside my excessively cheap price range (blame eBay), there's a great sale rack that necessitates repeat visits. The store is terrifically stocked (by former Catbird buyer Tiffany Porter) with classic vintage sprinkled with contemporary fashions and lots of fun jewelry.

I walked away with a handful of great finds including a woven preppy hair comb, a funky plastic ring, and a fabulous belt from the '70s that's still searching my bedroom for its perfect dress-mate.

While you won't find the designer pieces of my wondrous friend Stacy's shop, Exquisite Costume, there's lots of tasteful duds and special accessories to enhance your wardrobe. And the staff is really friendly, which is a nice change of pace from the inexplicably bratty salespeople that I frequently find myself interacting with.

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

Posted on April 6, 2009

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