Drinks »Old Fashioned (Best Drink)

old fashionedsPick for the week of May 14th
Here's what I said then:

Welcome to our new obsession. It all started with an order of Old Fashioneds at East Side Company Bar and a first sip for myself and friends. A rush to get ingredients followed which meant the exciting prospect of purchasing bitters for the first time and meaning to use them. I would say we have become experts creating these libations, considered the first cocktail ever.

We muddle the lemon zest and the cherries (I use sour jarred cherries, the kind found in blintzes and because we live in blintz country, finding such cherries is way easier than one would expect). We also use Makers which, on top of having a wickedly cool blood dripping cap, is very nice bourbon that doesn't cost too much, but is better than cheap crap. One is a perfect night cap. No wonder it's remained popular since 1806.

Runners Up:
Soft Spot Trivia
Eastside Company Bar
Pegu Club
Black Rabbit

See more: Drinks

Posted on November 5, 2007

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