Places to Visit »Montpelier, VT

montpelier vermontMontpelier is a tiny little town nestled between the Green Mountains in central Vermont. It has an amazing farmer's Market on Saturday mornings where you can get organic veggies and home made maple kettle corn. Downtown is home to several restaurants run by the New England Culinary Institute as well as hip boutiques and shops.

Bush Speiler's record store has been a main stay of Montpelier's audiophiles for decades, and Damsels has been busily supplying Montpelier's young ladies in the finest fashions. I can't forget to mention World Famous Charlieo's. A down dirty saloon that been getting Montpelierites drunk since the War Between the States.

However, what draws you to Montpelier is not its shops and dining establishments, it's standing at the top Cliff St on a frigid November evening and watching the smoke billow out of everybody's chimneys as the sun sets behind the hills.

It's coming home after a day of sledding to house that smells like a woodstove and cozying up with a cup of hot chocolate and an episode of Star Trek. Montpelier VT is being 16 years old, sneaking out at 2:00 in the morning, and walking up to the Tower in Hubbard park to smoke cigarettes with friends. It's freezing in winter, muddy in spring, and perfect the rest of the time.

See more: Places to Visit

Posted on October 16, 2006

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