Desserts »Moishe’s

moishe's bakeryWhen the 90-year-old LES Gertel's was pushed out of the neighborhood last year by rising rents and condos it looked like the traditional Jewish bakery was rapidly disappearing from the city. But Moishe's on Second Ave is still alive and well and is actually serving some Gertel's goods despite being a major competitor for years. The dark and spare space looks much like I imagine it did when it opened.?/p>

Huge loaves of chocolate babka (loaves too large for me to even consider eating) and glistening baked hamantashen (the raspberry is great) sit alluringly in the window while inside the aroma of fresh baked goods will compel you to keep buying. Try the bow tie cookies; I can personally attest that you won't be disappointed. They disappeared from our cabinet in about two seconds.

See more: Desserts

Posted on September 10, 2007

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