TV Shows »Meerkat Manor

meerkat manorWhile I don't exactly get the correlation between the Sopranos and this humanized animal odyssey, I do suppose they both are about a family and it's struggle to survive in a tough world–but Meerkat Manor is way cuter.

In this case the family is called the Whiskers and mama Flower is trying to get her family through the horrible loss (last season) of their home; lack of food; and creatures that mean to harm and hurt them from the ground and the air. With Sam Gamgee's particularly sincere voiceover and a script that gives all the meerkats names and human-like traits, it's easy to become engrossed in this beautifully shot documentary, not just as observers of nature, but with the compassion and intensity that draws you to any drama.

When Flower's pups go missing after a run in with a rival gang of meerkats, you suffer with her as she searches until it's too dark and dangerous to search any more. I hope Animal Planet takes cues from the success of this informative and adorable show to produce more engaging programs.

See more: TV Shows

Posted on August 27, 2007

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