Spend a Couple Hours »Make Workshop

make workshopMake Workshops hosts a variety of craft classes throughout the year; you can learn everything from embroidery (which is the class I took) to screen printing, from sewing to wallpaper making. The classes are run in a wonderfully relaxed manner by the company's friendly founder, Diana Rupp and would make the perfect present for the girl you love (use their handy gift certificates) and are a great way teach yourself how to make a lovingly hand crafted gift.

Over the course of my two hour embroidery class I learned the basics of the craft and was enlightened in the mysterious ways of the needle and thread. I think I pretty much understand all I need to know to start devoting all of my free time to unraveling knots and making runny, back, fill and chain stitches – if I wanted to. Plus, after mastering a few basics, I now have the know-how to decipher the puzzling diagrams in the dozens of how-to books I've got lining my bookshelf.

See more: Spend a Couple Hours

Posted on February 9, 2009

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