Gallery Hanahou, a tucked away gallery was recently established by the creative agency, CWC International. Their shows have included work by a slew of new and exciting illustrators, but this month they mix it up a bit with felt, thread and googly eyes. Luv-able and Hug-able: an infectiously affectionate plush show! features an adorable array of plushes, a trend in art you might remember from Brix pick Softies Central.
It's a feel good show mixing wit, kitsch, brightness, and cuddly things virtually on every inch of the walls. You'll be tempted to take it all home with you (which would make for a pretty insane apartment) and you can! Everything you see is for sale and the prices aren't half bad – I even ended up with an awesome Christmas gift for my brother from Sewn By Blythe (whose felt typewriter is pretty mind blowing).
The Cable Building, in which the gallery is hidden is also worth a look see – it features a really cool cat walk that allows you to voyeur into people's offices and stunning architectural features.
But what do you think?