Restaurants »Lima’s Taste

lima's tasteLima's Taste is a cozy Peruvian restaurant in the West Village that's got cow hearts on the menu. Scaaarry! And delicious! In fact, the anticucho cow heart appetizer was the highlight of my meal, very tender with a spicy and creamy dipping sauce that I would love to have a jar of to slather on everything.

Everyone gave thumbs up to their meals. I enjoyed the Aji de Pollo while Jim raved about his Lomo Saltado which had tender chunks of beef and vegetables in a tangy marinade. There are plenty of options for vegetarians as well and not just as tofu after thoughts.

I recommend reservations as the place is not huge and fills up quickly. The owner, who reminded me of my friend's dad, was accommodating and attentive, to the point that I wondered if he thought I was a reviewer. Which felt pretty cool.

See more: Restaurants

Posted on October 30, 2006

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