This theme park in the middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania is family friendly (read: they won't sell you a photo of yourself on a roller coaster if the girl in front of you is making devil horns aka “a rude gesture”, but anywhere and everywhere complete families from twelve years old to eighty will be smoking). It has won “Best Park Food” 7 years in a row. The patrons certainly seem to enjoy it to excess. There are lots of Rascals… I can't say my French dip sandwich was amazing or noteworthy, but the ice cream was tasty and Mike claims he's had some good stuff before.
The park has three big roller coasters, a freaky swing called Fandango that looked terrifying, and plenty of less intense rides including a pretty excellent haunted house. The biggest draw of the park however, is that you travel back in time. As Mike said when we entered the gates, “Welcome to 1988”. The prices and people are certainly from the past, and I love them for it. There is no entrance fee and you only pay per ride with the most expensive roller coaster costing a mere three dollars! They also have an impressive carousel collection, two unique organs, and a strange museum that's half focused on coal and half focused on the park's history. Like any theme park, on a hot crowded day like the day we went, it can be an overwhelming experience, but the vintage stuff, crazy performances, and incredible prices make Knoebles worth a visit even in the worst conditions (well, maybe not during the floods that have wreacked havoc on the park twice already). Best theme park food? Perhaps. But even if you don't go for the cuisine, you will have a blast.
But what do you think?