I don't how my parents convinced me that Romancing the Stone was just like Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. Sure, there are some definite similarities, but the romance novel intro sequence always threw me for a loop (as a kid I don't think I really knew how to contextualize it) and Michael Douglas isn't exactly Harrison Ford. While Danny De Vito's performance is nothing less than riveting, it's really Joan Wilder's show. And so, over the kind of repeat viewings only kids can handle, my crush developed. Then I saw V.I. Warshawski and it bloomed.
Undercover Blues, Body Heat, Crimes of Passion, Serial Mom, Peggy Sue Got Married… the list of awesome movies that she's absolutely lovely in goes on and on. And while I never saw her on Friends, we did catch Ms. Tuner in a recent staging of the Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor shoutfest, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? She was absolutely brilliant as Martha. But don't take my work for it, Roma Torre and Donna Karger totally agreed.
I just googled Romancing the Stone but I accidentally entered Romancing the Stoner and no sketch comedy spoofs came up. Just another article about Judd Apatow's “remarkable sleeper hit” Knocked Up. Improvers, get on this sitch. How about a series of badly handled scenes about how old Michael Douglas is?
But what do you think?