Style Icons: Female »Judy Blume


Judy Blume is more than just a talented and wise writer with a smashing smile and great age defying cheekbones.

She changed the face of reading for young women, she offered popular stories that kids could relate to and she never shied away from the realities of life in her writing.

Her boldness has often and repeatedly made her a target of censors which in turn has made Blume even more awesome in my book as an advocate for free speech.

She works with the National Coalition Against Censorship and is probably as horrified as the rest of us about the possibility of Palin becoming Vice President. While the stories of Palin’s plan to ban books has been partially untrue (that list she supposedly made of books was not likely to be her own list, just a list of commonly banned books and she never specified the banning of any particular books), she still “asked the library how she could go about banning books,” according to TIME magazine.

Blume is also very humble and personable about her talents. She’s said that she simply as always making up stories in her head and once she had two kids to tell them to, began writing them down. She was twenty seven when she began to write seriously, which can make anyone who feels like it’s too late to become a success at doing what they love feel better.

I doubt there’s many people my age who can’t recall at least one Judy Blume book in their life.

See more: Style Icons: Female

Posted on September 29, 2008

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