Style Icons: Male »John Le Carre

john lecarreClearly, I am a bit John le Carre crazy this week, and who can blame me? His role in the spy genre has been monumental. Rather than accepting the limited definition of?”spy thriller” as action packed, vacant, and absurd?(which are fun too), he lends a complex and insightful voice.

Much of that insight comes from his own experiences as a secret agent. The character played by Ian Richardson in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy for example was based on a real man in le Carre's career.

Still writing and still speaking out, most recently saying “How Bush and his junta succeeded in deflecting America's anger from Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein is one of the great public relations conjuring tricks of history.” le Carre continues to be one of those discerning men that the world needs more of. You know, the kind that can pull of plaid blazers and send educated people into a tizzy with his daring forthrightness.

See more: Style Icons: Male

Posted on November 26, 2007

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