Albums »Innocence and Despair:

innocence and despair langley schools music projectHans Fenger was a music teacher who recorded his students performing contemporary pop hits from 1976-77, the recordings were forgotten until 2000 when they were released by Bar/None Records with the help of Irwin Chusid who re-discovered them.

Praised by such artists as David Bowie and Fred Schneider, the album became an underground hit. Do not expect a cutesy sing-along kids album however, Innocence and Despair is a truly accurate title for this strange and eerie album.

The young children's voices evoke stronger emotions than I thought I would feel and while there is an innocence to them as well as to the accompaniment, it is also a very sad album in indescribable way. Really unique and worth a listen.

See more: Albums

Posted on September 18, 2006

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