Places to Visit »Independence National Historical Park

The Hagues at Independence National Park We concluded a full day of sight seeing with a nice stroll through Independence National Historical Park, home of the Liberty Bell ( kept in a modern glass structure), Independence Hall and Franklin Court (the site of his home and the original post office). Other old fashioned architectural oddities were exciting to spot inbetween their modern neighbors.

We stopped for lunch at the City Tavern, which was built in 1773 and was a favorite of John Adams, who called it “the most genteel tavern in America”. The food is authentic and decent, but their special brewed beers and the classy interiors (which were not at all theme parky and bawdy as my mind had envisioned), are the real reasons to stop by. Skip dessert, because you won't want to miss The Franklin Fountain a few blocks away which has old fashioned phosphates, ice cream and this weeks drink pick, Violet Soda Water.

See more: Places to Visit

Posted on October 15, 2007

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