Style Icons: Male »Hugo Gernsback

hugo gernsbackIt is a question that pops up often these days: What were times like before computers and the internet? Of course we lived during the cross over, and should be able to remember, but I still can't for the life of me figure out what I did with all my time or how I told people about all my favorite style icons every week…

Now just imagine it's the year 1925 and you are a one of the first fans of science fiction and there is no community for you. No cons where you can get your new fangled photograph taken with HG Wells, no online chat rooms where you can debate the latest HP Lovecraft, not even a zine to send your letters to from the amateur press association (an organization Lovecraft was a strong supporter of).

Hugo Gernsback changed all that when he published the first science fiction magazine and opened discussion among fans in his letters columns. He in many ways started the sci fi fandom community, and is therefore, in many ways, the reason I was able to just get tickets to the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors convention, so to him I say huzzah! The rest of the world says the same, citing him as the father of science fiction for whom the prestigious Hugo award is named after.

See more: Style Icons: Male

Posted on May 21, 2007

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