You may or may not be aware of the current bee shortage crisis. Before you laugh, read this and this because, as you just saw, it's completely true and effects many crops. So I was wondering, does that mean I should or should not be decadently indulging in some fancy honeycomb? Am I ruining a dying species just for a few moments of really intense honey taste explosion? No!
Happily, I learned that purchasing honey products is part of the solution. So many wild bees have died off that many farmers rely on bee keepers' bees to pollinate the crops. But a bee keeper's life is not a bowl of cherries or a box of sweet honeycomb, and it's got nothing to do with getting stung. There are a lot of upfront costs to bee keeping and you won't make a profit for a few years, so less and less people get into the business, so there is less and less bees for the farmers, and so there is less and less produce for everyone.
Some states have funded programs to get people into the hobby of bee keeping and by purchasing things like this honeycomb and other products, you help keep bee keepers in business.
Everyone wins, because this really is a delicate, rich honey experience that will make your usual bear honey pale in comparison. You must try it spread on bread with cheese. We tried a country loaf and manchego. It is unreal. Available at Dean and Deluca, Whole Foods, and probably farmer's markets.
But what do you think?