So far I have only seen the first two hours or so of this 16 hour epic, so forgive me if it turns to crap as it progresses, although I seriously doubt it since what I've seen so far is unlike anything I have come to expect from a television series.
Beautifully shot, with surreal and arty touches with a slow pace (do not attempt to watch late at night after taking cold medicine). Edgar Reitz created Heimat, which chronicles the life of a single family in rural Germany from the end of World War 1 to 1982, as a reaction to the American series “Holocaust“.
He felt there was so much anger, confusion, and above all guilt for the German people and their history, that he wanted to make a deeply personal account of the country told from the side of the common people. He wanted to take back the memory of Germany from the Americans.
The result is an award-winning series that influenced many (including, I believe, this weeks movie pick in it's use of black and white mixed with color film). Certainly a complex and challenging piece worth your time. This is available on netflix.
But what do you think?