Albums »Hawkwind

hawkwind by hawkwindWhen I first got wind of Hawkwind, I was instantly intrigued for two major reasons.
A. They have been compared to my beloved Amon Duul II
B. Both Ginger Baker and Lemmy of Motorhead are among the long changing list of members. Lemmy was kicked out for bad behavior, a gleamed fact that served me well in a bar trivia contest, thank you very much.

I began delving into the band with the album fans and critics celebrate as their greatest achievement, Hall of the Mountain Grill. It grew on me, particularly the songs D-Rider and The Psychedelic Warlords, but was not immediately what I was looking for. Such is the danger of going into an experience with preconceived notions – doubly dangerous if one of those notions might recall something you are passionately in love with.

Recently, I expanded my Hawkwind journey by listening to many of there albums over the past few months. Hawkwind, their first effort has risen above the rest and become a near daily listen. Indeed recalling Amon Duul II, Hawkwind delivers a tribal nearly primordial sound mixed with psychedelia. It epitomizes, in my mind at least, the term space rock… if space crashed into the ancient earth, though others term it as “folk rock” and don't consider their plunge into space rock until later in their career, so what do I know?

To answer my own question, I know that this is an excellent album through and through, beginning to end. Dave Brock, the heart of Hawkwind throughout the decades agrees and cites this as his very favorite album.

The band began as according to wikipedia “as a bunch of stoner freaks, hanging out and jamming around” and once again, the super human John Peel was there. His interest in the talent he saw emerging from this makeshift band resulted in their recording contract.

See more: Albums

Posted on December 10, 2007

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