Web Sites »Guiltpill

GuiltpillMy friend Tony is a talented guy. Exhibit A, his new website of work. Jim and I plan on collaborating with him on a graphic novel sometime this year and that makes me excited and happy.

Please take particular note of the intricate drawings of “Mr. Man-Man” an evil CEO made of two melted men (imagine the sidekick from Robocop who gets toxic waste thrown on him then take two of them and put them together back to back). He is just one of the creations from Tony's… interesting imagination.

My favorite drawing is this one, however, a portrait of Jim in the future after I have died and he keeps all my money in a safe in order to by snifters and huge globes. Tony's music for my college movie, Hot Broads, is also on the site.

See more: Web Sites

Posted on February 26, 2007

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