There is more to Spiegeltent than the lovely outdoor drinking area, there is the spectacular circa 1920s tent itself, in which Marlene Dietrich once performed. The entertainment we partook in was something entirely different than the legendary vamp.
The Found Footage Festival plays all sorts of, well, found footage – from home videos found in the garbage, to cable access, to infomercial out takes. Three dudes run it, Geoff Haas, Joe Pickett and Nick Prueher and give commentary as the videos play.
The Festival is similar to our favorite A/V Geeks (which also showed films the night we went, but we missed them due to reasons I will soon explain) and both seem to be part of a movement of appreciation of the spectacularness of the discarded mundane.
Found magazine, The Cringe Reading Series, and sharing websites like YouTube, Found Photographs, and Flickr all make sharing these treasures easier. The Found Footage Festival and A/V Geeks tour often, so check their websites regularly, and try to attend one where dipshit noise maker Dewanatron does not slow the evening down with some of the most aggravating “music” this side of Chumbawamba.
The show opened with this guy for a HALF AN HOUR! I had just forgotten I had endured him after the found footage festival only to be told he was going to begin another set before A/V Geeks began.
Friends, it was more than I could bear and, my apologies to Skip (who runs A/V Geeks) but we had to get the H out of there (along with the equally annoyed ghost of Marlene, I imagine).
But what do you think?