Spend a Couple Minutes »Fille de Joie

Late one recent Friday night I got a photo sent to me of a MEnniquin, a long haired, turbaned, vintage clad mannequin that bore a strange and strong resemblance to me, style-wise. I was intrigued for sure, but I really took notice when I noticed there was a wild cat hanging from her neck. I found out where the store was located and went the very next day. The lady felt even more like me in the light of day and we were all a little taken aback, but her wonderful wooden necklace was still there, ready for me to buy.

The shop is Fille de Joie, and while the place is a tad on the pricey side, it's really well styled and the pieces are pretty fantastic. If I had had a pile of cash burning in a hole in my pocket I could have easily walked out with a new wing to my wardrobe. A black cornered hat is still eating at my mind.

P.S. Don't let the awkward cougar window dance featured on their website turn you off too much from visiting.

See more: Spend a Couple Minutes

Posted on October 19, 2009

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  • From PingbackJungle Necklace | Rotating Corpse on January 24, 2010 at 10:14 am

    […] to Real LifeSea of ShoesVery AwesomeMy ClothesMy CollectionsStyle FilesJungle NecklaceFound at Fille de Joie Posted by: Brittany on January 24th, 2010 | Tagged with: Animals, Jewelry | Comments (0)Want More […]