Style Icons: Male »Ferran Adria

Ferran AdriaAdria, the renowned chef at el Bulli in Catalona, Spain is perhaps the most influential chef around today. His “molecular gastronomy” reinvention of cooking has certainly being an influence on my beloved Dufresne and WD-50. Despite the fancy name of his contribution to cooking, Adria started as a dishwasher and those roots are reflected in his less than pretentious attitude to food, the same mix of humor and cleverness so refreshing at WD-50.

His restaurant is a three star Michelin ranked masterpiece that has held on to the best restaurant in the world title for the past two years. To get a peek at the incredible el bulli kitchen/laboratory, check out the Spain episode of Brix Pick Bizarre Foods on the Travel Channel. The restaurant is a food lover's ultimate destination, where reservations are extremely difficult to get, although I hope to have the pleasure of eating there some day.

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Posted on September 17, 2007

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